Beanovagi Studio™ Apps

Smart System Cleaner PRO 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
Do you often restart or reboot your phonebecause of RAM memory blockage ? You don’t have to worry about thisanymore, now you can try the best app tool to boost, monitor, cleanand speed up your device very fast in simply few clicks.By using SMART SYSTEM MONITOR, your phone will be more faster,smoother and quicker.SMART SYSTEM MONITOR is a FREE ultimate memory cleaner andmonitoring application for your android smartphone that has manyfeatures which give you the possibility to keep track of your RAM,CPU, Battery lifetime, and internal/external storage space andRemove junk files to reclaim space safely. Moreover, it allows youto monitor your system.① FEATURES :► RAM Cleaner and Booster : Improve and increase the performanceof your Android device by clearing the RAM and making more freememory available to your phone.► Speedy & Fast Cache Clean: One simple click is sufficient toremove all junk and cached files quickly.► Battery Saver and Power Saver : By using Battery Saver, you cananalyze the status of your battery and liberate running apps inorder to save power and energy. The battery saver also helps you toextend your battery lifetime by stoping apps and tasks that wastemuch energy and power.► Memory Storage Monitoring : Supervise and monitor your internaland external memory storage by checking the total, used andavailable storage space in your device.► CPU Usage : Supervise and monitor the CPU usage, and cool offyour phone by killing the apps that are causing overheat to yourcpu, and thus prolonge your battery lifetime and improve itshealth.► App Manager : Uninstall unwanted and unused apps. if your deviceis rooted, you can also uninstall pre-installed apps and systemapps in one click.► WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS and Network : Monitor easily the state ofyour WIFI, GPS, Bluetooth, and network information.② SMART SYSTEM MONITOR :Our master tool will boost your phone up to 50%-85% by providingvarious functionalities such as :☆ Kill tasks, free up the Android phone’s memory and increase yourdevice’s speed.☆ Clear, Delete and Remove junk and cache files.☆ Optimise the memory storage for your system.☆ Increase the storage space in your SD Card.☆ Improve the CPU Usage.☆ Manage your apps and reclaim more space in CPU, RAM and storageby uninstalling unwanted apps easily.☆ Check WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS and Network Information easily.■ SPEEDY RAM ACCELERATOR☆ Free up precious and valuable storage space on your phone.☆ Reclaim RAM Space quickly in one click.☆ Simplify and streamline your Android device either a smartphoneor tablet.■ GAME SPEED BOOSTER☆ Enhance , ameliorate and improve your gaming experience andspeed.☆ Boost the CPU and RAM very quickly and very fast.☆ Slick and Smoothes game play.■ JUNK / CACHE FILES CLEANING☆ Clean all cached files including application cache andmore.☆ Quick and Fast tool to delete and clear application cached filesand purge rubbish.☆ You don’t have to ROOT the phone anymore to clear and purge thetrash files and useless files.■ MEMORY STORAGE MONITORING☆ Monitor your device’s internal memory to check the free andavailable space in the internal SD Card memory.☆ Check the used space of the External SD Card if your device hasone.③ EASY TO USE :☆ Boost your RAM easily in one click and optimize your devicevery fast.☆ Simple, High-Resolution and intuitive user interface andGraphics.☆ Lightweight and featherweight, Speedy and efficient with very lowCPU and Memory usage.☆ Beautiful Charts for displaying memory usages ( RAM, CPU,Battery, SD Card …).❐ Please understand that this is a free tool application thatcontains ads to support the development cost.■ SUPPORTED LANGUAGESThe supported languages so far are : English and French.Attribution : Mockup created by :
WIFI Password Unlocker - PRANK 2.2
Beanovagi Studio™
WIFI Password Unlocker is a prank applicationthat allows you to retrieve and hack the password of the securedwifi networks that are available nearby your phone.WIFI Password Unlocker is a FREE and a PRANK application designedfor joking and fun purposes in order to fool and prank yourcolleagues, classmates and neighbours about hacking and decryptingtheir wifi password and finding holes in their wifi security.① WIFI Password Unlocker Features :★ List and recover all available WIFI networks (secured orpublic) nearby your device.★ Display wifi Password and wifi SSDI of the hijacked WIFI networkon fullscreen (for easy viewing and sharing with yourfriends)★ Copy the password to the Clipboard to facilitate using itanywhere else such as sharing it via messages SMS, and socialnetworks such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Email and so on.★ Supported Security Types :- WEP- WPA2★ Pretend and simulate Wifi password hacking.② How to use it?To simulate hacking and cracking any encrypted wireless network,follow these steps :■ Click on “Wifi Hacking” Button. If the wifi is disabled, the appwill enable it automatically.■ Select the Wifi Network you want to hack from the list of allnearby Wifi networks. The app will retrieve all type of networksincluding secured and public ones.■ The app will pretend and simulate the password hacking anddecryption operation.■ A Popup which contains the retrieved password of the Cracked Wifinetwork will be displayed at the end of hacking simulation.❐ Please note that FREE WIFI Password Unlocker is a free andprank app that is not a WIFI Password Finder or Password Hacker.Which means, it is not intended to recover or hack any WIFI. It isjust free joke app to fool your friends about cracking and hackingtheir WIFI Password.■ Please understand that this is a free application that containsads to support the development cost.③ DISCLAIMER :WIFI Password Unlocker is a PRANK and joke app that aims togenerate random passwords to dupe and fool friends about hackingand finding their wifi passwords. It does not find or retrieve anyreal Wifi password. Only fake password for simulating wifi hackingto fool friends.Attributions :Mockup created by : used from :
Underwears XRay Girl Simulated 1.3
Beanovagi Studio™
Underwears Xray Girls Scanner for girls andboys gives you the ability to scan the girls body using the cameraof your other words, you can detect and see the underwearand lingerie of a woman body or reveal underclothes for men too bypassing a camera over the girl's body or the person you want to seehis or her underwears.* You can see what under clothing of a woman, especially the braof the girls and the bikini too , in order to penetrate theclothing through the scanner technology and technical XRAYradiology ultrasound and X-ray program to detect all kinds ofoutfils, garments and clothesthe app uses many technologies to enable you to see the woman'sbody such as ultrasound infrared technologyUsing the camera you can see all kinds of clothing andunderclothes even if it were thick.You can see the underwear and underclothes of any person withouthis knowledge.The application is very easy to useSo that the camera turns your phone into a device or machinedetection of X-rays or scanner revealed in order to discover whatare the underwear clothing for both women and men.How to use Underwears Xray Girls Scanner :By passing the camera of your phone on any part of the body suchas the left hand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth,chest, rear, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee, right foot orleft foot, abdomen or the stomach, then the camera will launch ascanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect bones, skeleton or bonestructureDISCLAIMER: The application Underwears Xray Girls Scanner is aPRANK app to fool your friends, it just a joke and it does notreveal the underwear for women and men, but it is created for funpurposes and goals in order to prank , fool and dupe yourfriends.
XRay Underwear Girls Simulated 1.3
Beanovagi Studio™
XRay Underwear Girls Scanner for girls andboys gives you the ability to scan , using the camera of yourdevice in order to detect and see the underwear and lingerie forwomen or reveal underclothes for men too by passing a camera on thebody of the woman or the person that you want to see his or herunderwear.* You can reveal what under clothing, especially the bra of thegirls and the bikini too , in order to penetrate the clothingthrough the scanner technology and technical XRAY radiologyultrasound and X-ray program to detect all kinds of garments,outfits and clothesHave you ever imagined that the camera of an Android phone canpenetrate clothing and underwear via ultrasound infraredtechnologyUsing the camera you can see all kinds of clothing andunderclothes even if it were thick.You can see the underwear and underclothes of any person withouthis knowledge.The application is very easy to useSo that the camera turns your phone into a device or machinedetection of X-rays or scanner revealed in order to discover whatare the underwear clothing for both women and men.How to use XRay Underwear Girls Scanner :By passing the camera of your phone on any part of the body suchas the left hand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth,chest, rear, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee, right foot orleft foot, abdomen or the stomach, then the camera will launch ascanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect bones, skeleton or bonestructureDISCLAIMER: The application XRay Underwear Girls Scanner is aPRANK app to fool your friends, it just a joke and it does notreveal the underwear for women and men, but it is created for funpurposes and goals in order to prank , fool and dupe yourfriends.
Voice Lie Detector 2016 PRANK 1.1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
Voice Lie Detector 2016 is an application thatimitates a voice scanner for detecting lies and fibs in order todiscover liar and fibber persons.Voice Lie Detector 2016 is designed for fun purposes in order tofool your friends, kids and others by making them thinking that youcan detect if they are lying to you and that you can discovermendacious people.① Voice Lie Detector 2016 Features :✔ Real time voice scanning and analysing using ultra sound scannerwaves✔ Awesome and Professional HD Graphics and Animations.✔ Check and Detect in few seconds who is telling the truth and whois lying.✔ Real time② How It Works ?■ You can pick or choose a random question from the app, and thenclick on the microphone to answer the question.■ After clicking the microphone button, then the user can talk toanswer the question.■ The application will act like analyzing and examining his voiceand display the answer randomly as true or false. Then the app willdisplay the result if the person is a liar or a truth person.❐ Please note that FREE Voice Lie Detector 2016 is a free appthat is not a real polygraph for detecting lies. In other words, itis not intended to scan or find any kind of truth or lies byscanning the voice. It is just free joke app to dupe and fool yourfriends about your ability to detect liar or fibber persons.★Please understand that this is a free application that containsads to support the development cost③ DISCLAIMER :Voice Lie Detector is a PRANK app that aims to generate randomanswers about lying or saying the truth in order to dupe friends.and It is just for fun and amusement purpose.
WIFI Mot De Passe Hacker PRANK 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
Wifi Mot de passe Hacker est une applicationblague drôle qui vous donne l’impression que vous pouvez pirater unréseau WIFI sans fil. Cette application blague simule le piratageet le hack des réseaux sans fil sécurisés protégés par des mots depasse AES, WPA2 ou le cryptage WPA. Cette application de piratageWIFI affiche la liste des réseaux sans fil (sécurisé ou public) àproximité de votre téléphone.Wifi Mot de passe Cracker est un outil génial amusant qui vouspermet d’impressionner vos amis et et de plaisanter avec eux. Cetteapplication vous fait ressembler à un Pirate Professionnel ou unhacker génie et compétent qui sait tout faire sur le piratage desclés wifi . Ceci est une jolie farce à jouer sur vos collègues.① WIFI Mot De Passe Hacker Features :★ Lister et afficher tout les réseaux WIFI (sécurisés et public)à proximité de votre téléphone.★ Affichage du mot de passe après l’opération de simulation dupiratage wifi.★ Copier le mot de passe au clavier afin de vous faciliter la tachede l’utiliser ailleurs, par exemple vous pouvez le partager avecvos amis via SMS, Email ou sur les réseaux sociaux comme Facebook,Google, Twitter, Instagram etc.★ les types de cryptage de sécurité supportés :- WEP- AES- WPA2★ Simuler le piratage et le hacking des mots de passe des réseauxWIFI.② How to use it?Afin de simuler le piratage d’un réseau WIFI, suivez les étapessuivantes :■ Detecter et Afficher la liste des réseaux WIFI en cliquant sur lebouton “Liste des réseaux WIFI”. Si l’option WIFI est désactivédans les paramètres de votre téléphone. l’application va l’activerautomatiquement. L’application va récupérer tout les types desréseaux WIFIs ( Sécurisés et publics).■ Sélectionner le réseau WIFI que vous voulez pirater dans la listedes réseaux sans fil.■ Ensuite, l’application va simuler l’opération du piratage ethacking ou le sniffing du réseau wifi sélectionnéprécédemment.■ Après la fin de la simulation du hacking, l’application vaafficher une pop up qui contient un mot de passe, généréaléatoirement, du réseau wifi piraté.❐ SVP Noter que l’application WIFI MOT DE PASSE HACKER est uneapplication blague et non pas un vrai outil de piratage des réseauxwifi. Elle ne joue pas le role d’un vrai Crack WIFI ou Mot de passeWIFI Piratage. Elle permet seulement la génération des mots depasse aléatoirement pour simuler le piratage WIFI.③ DISCLAIMER :WIFI Mot De Passe Hacker est une application blague pour s’amuseravec vos amis et vos collègues en simulant le piratage et lehacking des mots de passe des réseaux sans fil WIFI.Wifi Password Hacker is afunny prank application that gives you the impression that you canhack a WiFi wireless network. This application simulates jokepiracy and hacking of secure wireless networks protected bypasswords AES, WPA2 or WPA encryption. WIFI hacking Thisapplication displays a list of wireless networks (secure or public)near your phone.Wifi Password Cracker is a fun great tool that allows you toimpress your friends and joke with them. This application makes youlook like a Pirate Professional or a genius and skilled hacker whoknows everything about hacking wifi keys. This is a nice trick toplay on your colleagues.① Set Password Hacker WIFI Features:★ Lister and display all wireless networks (public and secure)near your phone.★ Display the password after the simulation operation of the wifihacking.★ Copy the password from the keyboard to facilitate your task touse it elsewhere, for example you can share it with friends viaSMS, email or on social networks like Facebook, Google, Twitter,Instagram etc.★ the supported security encryption types:- WEP- AES- WPA2★ Simulate piracy and hacking passwords for wirelessnetworks.② How to use it?To simulate hacking a wireless network, follow these steps:■ Detect and See list of WiFi networks by clicking on the "List ofWiFi networks." If the wireless option is disabled in the settingsof your phone. the application will activate automatically. Theapplication will recover all types of networks WIFIs (Secure andpublic).■ Select the wireless network you want to hack in the list ofwireless networks.■ Next, the application will simulate the operation of piracy andhacking or sniffing the wireless network selected earlier.■ After the end of the simulation of hacking, the application willdisplay a pop up that contains a password, randomly generated,pirated wifi network. ❐ Please note that the application WIFI HACKER PASSWORD isa joke app and not a real hacking tool wifi networks. She does notplay the role of a real WIFI or WIFI Hacking Crack Password. Itonly allows the generation of random passwords to simulate WIFIhacking.③ DISCLAIMER:WIFI Set Password Hacker is a prank application to have fun withyour friends and colleagues simulating hacking and hackingpasswords of wireless WIFI networks.
فك شفرة شبكة الويفي PRANK 1.2
Beanovagi Studio™
فك شفرة شبكة الويفي عبارة عن تطبيق مزحة لكيتوهم أصدقائك بأنك قادر على إختراق الويفي الخاص بمنزل الجيران، هذاالتطبيق يعد من أفضل المقالب لكي توقع بأصدقائك من خلال محاكاة سرقةباسوورد الويفي و كشف كلمة سر الويفي الخاص بأصدقائك و جيرانك .هذا التطبيق لا يكشف أي كلمة سر خاصة بشبكة الواي فاي ، و إنما هومزحة فقط للمرح مع الأحباب .يمكنك تطبيق فك شفرة شبكة الويفي من محاكاة علمية قرصنة كلمة مرورالواي فاي عن طريق مجموعة من العمليات و المراحل إنطلاقا من عرض جميعشبكات الويفي القريبة من جهازك ، و بعد ذلك ، يمكنك إختيار إحدى شبكاتالواي فاي من اللائحة. بعد ذلك التطبيق سيقوم بمحاكاة كشف كلمة السرالخاصة بشبكة الويفي المختارة سابقا . بعد بضع ثوان ، سيقوم تطبيقبإظهار كلمة سر أو شفرة الويفي الخاصة . و هنا يبدأ المرح و ستوهمصديقك بأنك تمكنت من كشف باسوورد الويفي الخاص به بسرعة .مزايا تطبيق فك شفرة شبكة الويفي :▪ كشف و عرض جميع شبكات WIFI سواء المحمية برمز أو الغير محميةبباسوورد .▪ إيجاد كلمة سر الويفي بدون أنترنت▪ تطبيق سهل الإستخدام و حجمه خفيف .▪ تصميم رائع و جميل و واجهة أنيقة و إحترافية▪ إختراق الويفي بطريقة إحترافية لخداع الأصدقاء▪ تطبيق سريع في الإستخدامتطبيق كشف رمز الويفي مجرد مزحة لكي تمزح مع أصدقائك بشأن أنكتستطيع إختراق الواي فاي أو أنك قادر على تهكير باسوورد الويفي الخاصبهم .لا تنس مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك للمزيد من المرح و المزاحAttributions :الأيقونات مصممة من موقع : http://www.flaticon.comDecoding Aloeva networkcode is a prank application to just your friends that you are ableto penetrate the private Aloeva the home of neighbors, thisapplication is one of the best landfills in order to anticipateyour friends by simulating theft Password Aloeva and revealed yourpassword Aloeva your friends and your neighbors.This application does not disclose any word private Wi-Fi network,but it is a joke and just for fun with the mystery of loved ones.You can apply the code decoding Aloeva network of scientificsimulation piracy Wi-word passage through a set of processes andstages from display all Aloeva networks near your computer, andafter that, you can choose one of the Wi-Fi networks from the list.After that the application will simulate a network password Aloevaselected previously disclosed. After a few seconds, showing theapplication of a password or code Aloeva own will. And here beginsthe fun and Stohm your friend that you were able to reveal itsrapidly Password Aloeva.The advantages of the application decoder Aloeva networkcode:▪ detect and display all WIFI networks, whether protected ornon-code protected Bbasoord.▪ create a password Aloeva without Internet▪ application easy to use and lightweight size.▪ wonderful design and beautiful and elegant interface andprofessional▪ penetration Aloeva in a professional manner to deceivefriends▪ fast application in useAloeva detect application code just a joke to joke about withyour friends you can get free Wi-Fi or you are able to ThecarPassword Aloeva their own.Do not forget to post the application with your friends for morefun and banterAttributions: Icons designed site:
WIFI Wireless Key Hacker PRANK 1.1
Beanovagi Studio™
WIFI Wireless Key Hacker is a simulatedapplication that allows you to list and simulate hacking wirelesskeys and passwords of the secured wifi networks available nearbyyour device.WIFI Wireless Key Hacker is a FREE and a PRANK application that isdesigned for joking and fun purposes in order to dupe, fool andprank your friends, classmates and neighbours about hacking anddecrypting their wifi wireless password and finding security holesin their wifi network.① WIFI Wireless Key Hacker Features :★ Retrieve all available WIFI Wireless networks (includingpublic ones) nearby your phone.★ Display the wireless key and wifi SSDI of the hijacked or hackednetwork on fullscreen (to simplify viewing and sharing it with yourcolleagues)★ Copy the wireless key to the Clipboard to facilitate using itanywhere else such as sharing it via messages SMS, and socialnetworks like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Email and so on.★ Security Types Supported in the app :- WEP- WPA2★ Pretend and simulate Wifi key hacking.② How It Works ?To simulate hacking and cracking any encrypted wireless key, followthese steps :■ Click on “Wifi Hacking” Button. If the wifi option is disabled,it will be enabled automatically.■ Select the Network you want to hack from the list of all nearbyWifi networks. The app will list all networks including secured andpublic ones.■ The app will pretend and simulate the wireless key hackingoperation.■ A Dialog which contains the retrieved password of the CrackedWifi network will be displayed at the end of hackingsimulation.❐ Please note that FREE WIFI Wireless Key Hacker is a free andprank app that is not a Real WIFI Key Finder or Password Hacker. Inother words, it is not intended to retrieve or hack any WIFInetwork. It is just free joke app to fool your friends aboutcracking and hacking their WIFI Wireless Password.■ Please understand that this is a free application that containsads to support the development cost.③ DISCLAIMER :WIFI Wireless Key Hacker is a PRANK and joke app that aims togenerate random keys to dupe and fool friends about hacking andfinding their wifi passwords. It does not find or retrieve any realwireless key password. Only fake passwords are generated in arandom way to prank friends.
Upward Rise Jumping Ball 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
Crazy Upward Jumping Ball is an addictivearcade game that will captivate you and bring you into the world ofuplifting and jumping balls. The main purpose of the this game isto move the bouncy ball further to the top in an endless manner byescaping the levitating circles and rise to the top.Do you think that you can beat your records ? The Crazy UpwardJumping Ball is a highly exciting game that requires all your focusand concentration.The main character of the game is the bouncy ball. Succeeding inthis awesome game requires an extremely high level of concentrationand sharp mastery of every tap and move. While playing the game,try to avoid falling down or touching the obstacles, namely thelevitating circles that have several speeds. Pay attention , Onesingle bad tap or move, means that you’re out of the game !. Do youlove this challenging game ? Try it and see how far your ball canrise and beat all your friends.How To Play ?Tap to jump. Get into the levitating circle, wait for the rightmoment and then jump to move further to the top. Climb your ball asfar as you can and Enjoy the Challenge !Game Features :✓ One Touch Control Scheme.✓ Leaderboards and Achievements✓ No in app purchases✓ endless jumping✓ Awesome and elegant UI Graphics✓ Free , Funny and Very Addicted✓ Small Memory OccupationHow far can you reach in this jumping ball arcade game ?Attributions :Mockup created by : used from :
X-Ray Pregnant Ultrasound Joke 2.0
Beanovagi Studio™
X-Ray Pregnant UltraSound Joke Scanner is anapplication intended solely for entertainment purposes and does notprovide true X-Ray.X-Ray Pregnant UltraSound Joke Scanner is a simulation game whereyou can play on your phone with both the Xray. The game uses acamera to a more realistic effect!Warning Only that this ultrasound simulator and will not harm yourhealth!Have fun and prank your friends and family!Thank you for reading our applications! Give us your feedback inorder to improve it and make it even more interesting!By using this Xray pregnant scanner ; you can trick your friendsby this sonogram embroy app and by showing them that yoursmartphone has ultrasound scanning capabilities .To use this just hold it to above their abdomen, and hit the Scanbutton and the app will simulate the x ray scanner moving over itand show them their kidney, abdomen etc ,The best part of this simulated app is that you can trick yourgirlfriend or your wife that she is pregnant by showing her thatyour phone can do pregnancy test and you have this app installed inyour device , do scanning in quick steps and show her that she gota pregnant ultra-sound report !! Make a fake test with your mobilephone and watch the baby of your pregnant girlfriend! We havecreated this app just for fun purposes, because it is technicallynot possible to scan the belly's woman with a Smartphone. But youcan fool your friends that they donn’t know about it, so you cantrick them with this free app.> You don’t have to visit the doctor for regular check-ups.Use your phone to check if your wife is pregnant and fool her> Use the ultrasound pregnancy tool to find out if your baby isa boy or girl.> Diagnose the baby when you check for a fever.Disclaimer : This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecan do real ultrasound scanning so please use this app for fun andprank only , no scan image is real in this app !!
X-Ray niñas lencería PRANK 1.3
Beanovagi Studio™
X-Ray niñas lencería Rayos X Girls para niñasy niños le da la capacidad de escanear el cuerpo niñas de utilizarla cámara de tu otras palabras, puede detectar y ver laropa interior y la ropa interior de un cuerpo de mujer o revelar laropa interior para los hombres también pasando un cámara sobre elcuerpo de la niña o la persona que usted quiere ver sus underwears.* Usted puede ver lo que debajo de la ropa de una mujer,especialmente el sujetador de las chicas y el bikini también, conel fin de penetrar la ropa a través de la tecnología de escáner yel programa de ultrasonido radiología RADIOGRAFÍA y radiografíatécnica para detectar todo tipo de outfils, prendas de vestir yropala aplicación utiliza muchas tecnologías para que pueda ver elcuerpo de la mujer, como la tecnología de infrarrojos deultrasonidoUso de la cámara se puede ver todo tipo de prendas de vestir yropa interior, incluso si se tratara de espesor.Se puede ver la ropa interior y ropa interior de cualquier personasin su conocimiento.La aplicación es muy fácil de usarAsí que la cámara convierte tu teléfono en un dispositivo o máquinade detección de rayos X o escáner reveló el fin de descubrir cuálesson las prendas de ropa interior para mujeres y hombres.Cómo usar X-Ray niñas lencería ropa interior Xray Girlsescáner:Con la aprobación de la cámara de su teléfono en cualquier partedel cuerpo, como la mano izquierda, la mano derecha, la cabeza, elcerebro, los ojos, los dientes y la boca, el pecho, trasero, lapelvis, la espalda, la columna vertebral, la ingle, el cuello,rodilla, pie derecho o el pie izquierdo, el abdomen o el estómago,luego la cámara lanzará un escáner y de rayos X y ultravioleta paradetectar huesos, esqueleto o estructura óseaExención de responsabilidad: La aplicación X-Ray niñas lenceríaRopa Interior Xray Girls Scanner es una aplicación de broma paraengañar a tus amigos, es sólo una broma y que no revela la ropainterior para hombres y mujeres, sino que se crea para lospropósitos y objetivos de la diversión con el fin de broma, tonto yvíctima tus amigos.Disclaimer : The application XRay Underwears Lingerie for girlsis a PRANK application , it is designed fo fun purposes to prankand fool your friendsAttributions :Icons made by http://www.flaticon.comX-Ray X-ray Girls girlslingerie for children gives you the ability to scan the body girlsusing the camera in your other words, you can detect andsee the underwear and lingerie a woman's body or revealing lingeriefor men also having a camera on the body of the child or the personyou want to see their underwears.* You can see what's under the clothes of a woman, especiallygirls bra and bikini too, in order to penetrate clothing throughscanner technology and program radiography and radiology ultrasoundtechnique radiography to detect all kinds of outfils, clothing andclothingthe application uses many technologies so you can see the bodyof the woman, as infrared technology ultrasoundUsing the camera you can see all kinds of clothing andunderwear, even if it were thick.You can see the lingerie and underwear of any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy to useSo the camera turns your phone into a device or machine detectionof X-rays or scans revealed in order to discover what theundergarments for men and women are.Using X-Ray Xray girls lingerie underwear Girls scanner:With the approval of the camera from your phone anywhere in thebody, and the left hand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth andmouth, chest, back, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee, rightfoot or left foot, abdomen or stomach, then the camera will launcha scanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect bones, skeleton orbone structureDisclaimer: The X-Ray application Lingerie Underwear Girls GirlsXray Scanner is a prank application to fool your friends, it's justa joke and that does not reveal underwear for men and women, but itis created for the purposes Fun and objectives in order to joke,silly and friends victim.Disclaimer: The application XRay Underwears Lingerie for girlsis to PRANK application, it is designed fo fun purposes to prankand fool your friendsAttributions:Icons made by
كشف الجسم بدون ملابس PRANK 1.3
Beanovagi Studio™
كشف الجسم بدون ملابس يمكنك من كشف الملابسالداخلية للنساء و الرجال و ذلك بإستعمال كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد لكشفالملابس الداخلية للفتاة أو المرأة أو رؤية الجسم بدون ملابس كذلكوذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتف على جسد المرأة أو الشخص الذي تريد أنترى ملابسه الداخلية من دون أن يكشفك. كاميرا الهاتف ستلعب دور الماسحالضوئي x-ray لإظهار الجسد بدون ملابس داخلية .*يمكنك برنامج كشف المرأة بدون ملابس من رؤية ما تحت الملابس و ذلكبخاصية فحص و إختراق الملابس عبر تقنية الماسح الضوئي وتقنية الأشعةالفوق صوتية XRAY والأشعة السينية لكشف جميع أنواع الملابسسبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك يمكنها فحص جسم المرأة أو الرجلعبر تقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةكاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانت غليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشف الأشعة أوالسكانر لكي تكتشف ما تحت الملابس للمرأة والرجل .طريقة إستعمال برنامج جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا هاتفك على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليد اليسرى ، اليداليمنى ، الرأس ، الدماغ ، العينين ، الأسنان و الفم ، الصدر ،المؤخرة ، الحوض ، الظهر ، العمود الفقري ، الفخد ، الرقبة، الركبة،القدم اليمنى أو القدم اليسرى ، البطن أو المعدة ، بعد ذلك الكاميراستطلق الماسح الضوئي و الأشعة السينية و الفوق بنفسجية لكشف الهيكلالعظمي أو العظام .مميزات التطبيق :- كشف الناس بدون ملابس- كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء- كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية- فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة- فحص الجسم بالأشعة- كاشف العظام و المفاصل.- فحص العظام.تحذير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقوم بكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط و خداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةBody revealed withoutclothes you can detect women's underwear, men's and by using acamera phone Android to reveal the underwear of a girl or a womanor seeing the body without clothes as well as by passing a cameraphone on the body of the woman or the person who wants to see hisunderwear without Ekshvk . Camera phone will play the role of thescanner x-ray to show the body without underwear.* You can program revealed women without clothes to see what'sunder the clothes that feature checking and penetrate clothingthrough the scanner technology and technical XRAY radiologyultrasound and X-rays to detect all kinds of garmentsHave you ever imagined that a camera phone can a man or awoman's body examined via infrared technology ultrasoundApplication camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and if itwere a thick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy jobSo that the camera turns your phone into a device or machinedetection of X-rays or scanner revealed in order to discover whatunder clothing for women and men.People use detection device software without clothes method:Passed a camera phone on any part of the body such as the lefthand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, chest, rear,pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee, right foot or left foot,abdomen or the stomach, then the camera will launch a scanner andX-ray and ultraviolet to detect bone or bone structure.Application features:- A people without clothes- Reagent women's underwear- Members of the body ray detector ultrasonic- Examination of a woman's body X- The body scan- Bones and joints detector.- Bone scan.Warning :Application detection device people without clothes PRANK just ajoke and does not reveal the underwear for women and men, but it isapplied to only a joke and fool your friends for some fun and forfun
مقياس الحب الحقيقي PRANK 1.1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
مقياس الحب الحقيقي (Love Test) هو أحسن تطبيقموجود في المتجر و يمكنك من قياس درجة الحب بينك و بين حبيبك أوحبيبتك بناءا على التوافق في الأسماء . قياس الحب الحقيقي فيه ميزةقياس نسبة الحب بين العشاق عن طريق تحليل و فحص البصمة الخاصة بالفتاةو الولد . هذا التطبيق يقوم بحساب درجة الحب بالبصمة و يعطيك رؤية حولعلاقتك مع حبيبك و هل ستستمر العلاقة أم لا .من مميزات التطبيق :- قياس نسبة الحب بينك و بين حبيبك عن طريق الإسم. أكتب إسمك و اسمحبيبك و إعرف نسبة الحب بينك و بين حبيبك.- قياس الحب الحقيقي بالبصمة عن طريق تحليل البصمة و فحص البصماتبالأشعة السينية ، و بعد ذلك البرنامج يخمن مقدار الحب الذي يربطكمامن خلال نتائج تحليل البصمات الخاصة بكما.- إختبار الوفاء و إختبار التفاهم من أجل تحديد نسبة التفاهم معحبيبك- مقياس الحب عن طريق تاريخ الإزدياد أو تاريخ الميلاد الخاص بك وبحبيبك أو حبيبتك- قياس نسبة توافق الحبيبين و تحليل شخصياتهم عن طريق البصمة ، الإسمأو تاريخ الولادة .- معرفة نسبة الحب بينك و بين حبيبك .لعبة مقياس الحب لعبة حب و رومانسية رائعة من أشهر العاب الحب،فيها تستطيع قياس نسبة للحب بينك و بين اي شخص و طريقة اللعبة سهلةجدا.مميزات إضافية :- تصميم رائع و واجهة جميلة ، لا يمكن أن تشعر بالملل أثناء اللعب.- التطبيق يعمل بدون إنترنت- سهل الإستخدام و خفيف- التطبيق متوافق مع جميع الهواتف الذكية.لا يجب الإعتماد على نتائج مقياس الحب لأنه لايعطي نسبة الحبالحقيقي، هو فقط مجرد لعبة للتسلية والترفيه المزحة لخداع أصدقائك وصديقتك .نتمنى أن ينال التطبيق إعجابكم ونحن مستعدون لسماع اي رد أو تعليقمنكم و ذلك لأجل تحسين التطبيق في التحديثات القادمة .Measure of true love(Love Test) is the best application is in the store and you canmeasure the degree of love between you and your lover or yoursweetheart based on compatibility in the names. Measure the truelove which measure the proportion of love between lovers throughanalysis and testing footprint girl and boy feature. Thisapplication calculates the degree of love fingerprint and gives youinsight into your relationship with your lover and Will youcontinue the relationship or not.Of the application features:- Measuring the proportion of love between you and your lover byname. Write your name and your lover's name and Know the proportionof love between you and your lover.- Measurement of true love fingerprint through fingerprint checkand fingerprinting X-ray analysis, and then the program guess theamount of love that Erbtkma by the results of fingerprint analysisown dumb. - Test and meet the test of understanding in order todetermine the percentage of understanding with your lover- Love scale by increasing the date or the date of your birth andyour lover or your sweetheart- Measuring lovers agree ratio and analyze their personalitiesthrough the fingerprint, name or date of birth.- Determine the proportion of love between you and your lover.Game measure of love and romantic love game great love of themost famous games, which can measure the proportion of love betweenyou and any person and the way the game is very easy.Additional Features:- Gorgeous design and a nice interface, can not get bored whileplaying.- The application runs without Internet- Easy to use and light- The application is compatible with all smart phones.You should not rely on the results of a measure of the love thathe does not give the proportion of true love, it is only just agame for fun and entertainment Prank to fool your friends and yourgirlfriend. We wish that the application receives you like it and we areready to hear any response or comment from you and that in order toimprove the application in the next updates.
XRay Underwear Scanner Prank 1.4
Beanovagi Studio™
XRay underwear Scanner for girls and boysgives you the possibility to use the camera of your phone to detectunderwear for women or reveal underclothes for men too by passing acamera on the body of the woman or the person that you want to seehis or her underwear.* You can reveal what under clothing to penetrate the clothingthrough the scanner technology and technical XRAY radiologyultrasound and X-ray program to detect all kinds of garments andclothesHave you ever imagined that the camera of an Android phone canpenetrate clothing and underwear via ultrasound infraredtechnologyUsing the cameram you can see all kinds of clothing andunderclothes even if it were thick.You can see the underwear and underclothes of any person withouthis knowledge.The application is very easy to useSo that the camera turns your phone into a device or machinedetection of X-rays or scanner revealed in order to discover whatare the underwear clothing for both women and men.How to use XRay Underwear Scanner :By passing the camera of yorur phone on any part of the bodysuch as the left hand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth andmouth, chest, rear, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee, rightfoot or left foot, abdomen or the stomach, then the camera willlaunch a scanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect bones,skeleton or bone structureDISCLAIMER: The application XRay Underwear Scanner is a PRANKapp to fool your friends, it just a joke and it does not reveal theunderwear for women and men, but it is designed for fun purposes inorder to fool and dupe your friends.
Dont Touch My Phone - Alarm 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
The dont touch my phone app or the anti theftalarm app will make your phone safe from curious people andburglars. this phone alarm app keeps people from messing with yoursmartphone with an alarm anytime someone tries to touch your cellphone or try to stole your device. In Summary , with this app meansno touch ,no robbery , no thief can touch your phone.Once you activate the alarm, the theft alarm, you don’t need toworry anymore about your smartphone, because if any one touch ormove your phone , the alarm will be triggered. Moreover , the thiefcan not deactivate the alarm or turn down the volume becauseeverything is locked with PIN Code as app lock or phone lock.Consequently you can consider this app as Thief catcher too , ifsomeone took your phone, the app will trigger the alarm and thethief cannot cancel it .★ This app is useful when you're afraid that someone:• Reads your private emails and private information on socialnetworks like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Hangouts andInstagram.• Reads your private SMS messages.• Looks into your photo galleries or personal videos.• Uses your stuff. Just leave the smartphone on your stuff eg.laptop cover, if someone touches it, the alarm will warn you.★ Easy 2-step setup:• Open the don't touch my phone app• Step 0: Enable PIN Code to improve your phone securityalarm.• Step 1: Activate the alarm.• Step 2: Put the device on a fixed place.★ Features:• Four digit PIN code to protect alarm• Triggers the alarm in just two steps.• Smartphone motion detection.• Customize the alarm type and using Loud alarm sound with devicevibration.• Runs in background service.• Mobile Security from thieves.Give us your Feedback. Your rating and review means a lot to us:), it will help us to improve the phone security system for yourdevice’s safety in the future versions.
WIFI Wireless Key Finder PRANK 1.1
Beanovagi Studio™
WIFI Wireless Key Finder is a simulated prankapplication that allows you to retrieve the list of allneighbouring wireless networks and simulate hacking wireless keysand passwords of the secured wifi networks available nearby yourdevice.WIFI Wireless Key Finder is also a free application which isdesigned for fun purposes in order to dupe, prank and fool yourclassmates and friends about hacking and decrypting their wifiwireless password and finding security holes in their wifi network.① WIFI Wireless Key Finder Features :★ Find all available WIFI Wireless networks (including securedand public ones) nearby your device.★ Show the wireless key and wifi SSDI of the hijacked or hackednetwork on fullscreen (to simplify sharing it with yourfriends)★ Copy the wireless key to the Clipboard to facilitate using itanywhere else like sharing it via SMS messages, and social networkssuch as Google, Twitter, Facebook, Email etc.★ Security Types Supported in the app :- WEP- WPA2★ Pretend and simulate Wifi key hacking.② How It Works ?To simulate the Wifi key cracking any encrypted wireless key, usethe following steps :■ Click on “Wifi Cracking” Button. If the WIFI option is notenabled, it will be enabled automatically by the app.■ Choose the Wireless Network you want to crack from the list ofall nearby Wifi networks. The app will show and list all wirelessnetworks even if they are public or secured.■ The app will pretend and simulate the wireless key hacking andcracking operation.■ A Dialog containing the founded password of the Cracked Wifinetwork will be displayed at the end of hacking simulation.❐ Please note that FREE WIFI Wireless Key HACKER is a free andsimulated app that is not a Real WIFI Key Finder or PasswordHacker. With means, it is not intended to find any wireless key orhack any WIFI network. It is just free joke app to fool and dupeyour friends about cracking and hacking their WIFI WirelessPassword.■ Please understand that this is a free application that containsads to support the development cost.③ DISCLAIMER :WIFI Wireless Key Finder is a PRANK and joke app that aims togenerate random keys and passwords to dupe and fool friends aboutcracking, hacking and finding their wifi passwords. It does notfind or retrieve any real wireless key password. Only fakepasswords are generated in a random manner to prank friends.Attributions :The mockup is created by :
كشف الجسد بدون ملابس - PRANK 1.3
Beanovagi Studio™
برنامج كشف الجسد بدون ملابس داخلية يمكنك منكشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء و الفتيات و ذلك بإستعمال كاميرا جوالكالأندرويد لكشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء أو المرأة أو رؤية الجسم بدونملابس كذلك وذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتف على جسم المرأة أو البنتالذي تريد أن ترى ملابسها الداخلية من دون أن تكتشف أمرك. كاميراالهاتف تلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray بالأشعة السينية لإظهار الجسمبدون ملابس.*يمكنك برنامج كشف النساء بدون ملابس من رؤية ما تحت الملابس و ذلكبخاصية فحص و إختراق الملابس عبر تقنية الماسح الضوئي وتقنية الأشعةالفوق صوتية XRAY والأشعة السينية لكشف جميع أنواع الملابسهل سبق و أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك يمكنها فحص جسم المرأة أو الرجلعبر تقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةكاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانت غليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة و بسيطة جدابحيث يجعل كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشف الأشعة أوالسكانير لكي تكشف جسم المرأة بدون ملابس.طريقة الإستعمال لجهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا الجوال على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليدين، الرأس ، الدماغ، العينين، الأسنان و الفم، الصدر ، المؤخرة ، الحوض ، الظهر ، العمودالفقري ، الفخد ، الرقبة، الركبة، القدم اليمنى أو القدم اليسرى ،البطن أو المعدة ، بعد ذلك الكاميرا ستطلق الماسح الضوئي و الأشعةالسينية و الفوق بنفسجية لكشف الهيكل العظمي أو العظام.مزايا التطبيق :- كشف الناس بدون ملابس- كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء- كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية- فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة- فحص الجسم بالأشعة- كاشف العظام و المفاصل.- فحص العظام.- فحص العظام و المفاصلتذكير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الجسم بدون ملابس مجرد خدعة و مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشف الملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما فقط تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداع أصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعة و الضحكBody revealed withoutunderwear program can detect underwear for women and girls, usingthe mobile Android camera to detect underwear for women or women orseeing the body without clothes as well as by passing a cameraphone on the body of the woman or girl who wants to see herunderwear without discover your order. Camera phone to play therole of the scanner x-ray X-rays to show the body withoutclothes.* You can program revealed women without clothes to see what'sunder the clothes that feature checking and penetrate clothingthrough the scanner technology and technology X XRAY ultrasound andX-rays to detect all types of clothingHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera can a woman'sbody, or the man examined via infrared technology ultrasoundApplication camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if itwere a thick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.Application easy job and very simpleSo that makes your phone's camera to the device or machine raysrevealed rays or Alscaner revealed in order to reveal a woman'sbody without clothes.Directions for use of the device revealed people withoutclothes:Passed a mobile camera on any part of the body such as thehands, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, chest, rear, pelvis,back, spine, groin, neck, knee, right foot or left foot, abdomen orstomach, then the camera will launch a scanner and X-ray andultraviolet to detect skeletal or bone.Advantages of the application:- Expose people without clothes- Reagent women's underwear- Ray detector body organs ultrasound- Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy- The body scan- Reagent bones and joints.- Bone scan.- Examination of the bones and jointsremind :Application body detector without clothes is a hoax and a jokeand does not disclose PRANK underwear for women and men, but onlyapplied to only a joke and fool your friends for some fun and forfun and laughter
Test d'amour Calculette PRANK 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
Etes-vous amoureux ? Sentez-vous l’amourenvers elle | lui ?Etes-vous sûr qu’il (elle) vous aime en retour ?Êtes-vous à la recherche du vrai amour?Voulez-vous s’assurer que votre amoureux / amoureuse , copain oucopine est compatible avec vous ?Vous devez savoir qu'un amour vrai et durable se base sur laconfiance, le bonheur et le respect de l’autre.L’application Test d'amour, love calculator vous permettra d'avoirquelques réponses à vos questions concernant votre âme sœur.Comment obtenir sa compatibilité amoureuse ?Ce test d'amour vous permettra de tester ton amour avec lesprénoms de tes amoureux. Ce test vous permettra de savoir si votrerelation est sérieuse, ou si c'est juste une petite relation depassage. Un taux de compatibilité vous sera donné .Pour tester l’amour entre vous, Entrer vos noms, vos dates denaissances encore plus , scanner vos empruntes digitales et vousallez surpris des résultats que vous allez obtenir concernant lacompatibilité d’amour entre vous.C’est le meilleur jeu qui vous aidera à trouver votre valentinou votre valentine.Mettez votre amour à un essai dans ce jeu Calculette d’amour ettester le.① Test d’amour, Love Calculator PRANK, Caractéristiques :★ Interface graphique HD.★ noms correspondent à vérifier la compatibilité d'amour avec votreamant★ Dates de naissance pour vérifier l'affinité amoureuse avec votreamant ou âme soeur en fonction de la date de naissancehoroscope.★ FingerPrint Scanner : scanner empreintes digitales basé sur leprincipe du scan de pouce, il scanne les empreintes digitales dedeux personnes (garçons et filles) et calcule la force et la véritéde l'amour mieux que tout autre test de l'amour★ gratuit et facile à utiliser avec une interface utilisateurconviviale★ Calculer la probabilité d'une relation fructueuse entre deuxamoureux.② Comment Ça Marche ?Pour tester la degré d'amour entre vous et votre camarade declasse, copain / copine, partenaire potentiel:■ Choisissez la méthode que vous voulez pour vérifier votre amourenvers votre amant en sélectionnant soit le test de noms, les datesde naissance ou de test des empreintes digitales.■ En fonction de la méthode choisie de calculer le degré d'amour,vous aurez le résultat en affichant le pourcentage d'avoir unebonne relation avec votre amour secret potentiel.■ Vous pouvez partager le résultat avec vos amis ou camarades declasse.❐ S'il vous plaît noter que l’application Test d’amour est uneapplication gratuite qui n’est pas un calculateur réel de l'amour.En d'autres termes, il ne vise pas à vous donner le bon résultat del'amour. Il est juste application blague gratuite pour tromper vosamis sur l'amour, la romance et les sentiments③ DISCLAIMER :Ceci est une application blague PRANK qui vise à générer despourcentages aléatoires de l’amour afin de tromper et jouer avecvos amis et vos collégues.. Et elle est juste pour le plaisir, ledivertissement et le but d'attractions.Are you in love? Feel thelove for her | him ?Are you sure he (she) loves you in return?Are you in search of true love?Want to make sure your boyfriend / girlfriend, boyfriend orgirlfriend is compatible with you?You must know that true and lasting love is based on trust,happiness and respect of others.The application test of love, love calculator will give you someanswers to your questions about your soul mate.How to get his love compatibility?This love test you will test your love with the first names ofyour love. This test will let you know if your relationship isserious, or if this is just a small passage relationship. Acompatibility rate will be given.To test the love between you, enter your names, your dates of morebirths, scan your fingerprints and you will surprised at theresults you'll get on the compatibility of love between you.This is the best game that will help you find your valentine orvalentine.Put your love to a test in this game of love calculator andtest.① Test of Love, Love Calculator PRANK, Features:★ HD GUI.★ names correspond to verify the compatibility of love with yourlover★ dates of birth to verify the love affinity with your lover orsoul mate depending on date of birth horoscope.★ FingerPrint Scanner: Fingerprint scanner based on the principleof the thumb scan, it scans the fingerprints of two people (boysand girls) and calculates the strength and truth of love betterthan any other test of loveFree and easy to use with a user friendly interface ★★ Calculate the probability of a successful relationship betweentwo lovers.② How it Works?To test the degree of love between you and your classmate,boyfriend / girlfriend, potential partner:■ Choose the method you want to test your love for your lover byselecting either the test names, birth dates or testfingerprint.■ Depending on the method chosen to calculate the degree of love,you will have the results by displaying the percentage of having agood relationship with your potential secret love.■ You can share the results with your friends or classmates. ❐ Please note that the application test of love is a freeapplication that is not real love calculator. In other words, it isnot designed to give you the good result of love. It's just freejoke app to fool your friends on love, romance and feelings③ DISCLAIMER:This is a joke PRANK application that aims to generate randompercentages of love to deceive and play with your friends andcolleagues .. And it is just for fun, entertainment and amusementpurposes.
Love Calculator-LoveMeter Joke 1.2
Beanovagi Studio™
Do You feel love ? Are you in love with him \her ? Are you sure She / he loves you back ? Are you searching fortrue love or a soul mate ?Stop wondering. By using Love Calculator application, you can checkand verify if your boyfriend / girlfriend or a potential soul mateis compatible with you.This is the most advanced love calculator and estimator (lovemeter), which calculates the couple compatibility based onFingerPrints, ThumbPrint match, names match, or date of birthmatch.Love Test Calculator is a funny amore application that allows youto estimate the love degree between you and your partner or yoursoul mate.Love Test Calculator is a Prank and Free application created forfun purposes in order to fool your friends and girls \ boys inyour class about your love percentage towards them.① Love Calculator PRANK Features :★ HD Graphics and UI Elements.★ Names Match to check the love compatibility with yourlover.★ Date of birth match to verify the loving affinity with yourparamour or partner in function of the date of birthday.★ FingerPrint Scanner based on principle of thumb match, it scansthe fingerprints of two people (boy and girl) and calculates thestrength and the truth of love better than any other lovetest.★Free and easy to use with a friendly user interface★Calculate the probability of a successful relationship between twopeople.② How It Works ?To Test the strength of love between you and your classmate,boyfriend/girlfriend, potential partner :■ Choose the method you want to check your love towards your loverby selecting either the names match, the dates of birth match orthe FingerPrint match.■ In function of the selected method of calculating the lovedegree, you will the result by displaying the percentage of havinga good relationship with your potential secret love.■ You can share the result with your friends or classmates.❐ Please note that FREE LOVE TESTER is a free app that is not areal love calculator. In other words, it is not intended to giveyou the correct result of love. It is just free and prank joke appto dupe your friends about love, romance and feelingspercentage.■ Please understand that this is a free application that containsads to support the development cost.③ DISCLAIMER :This is a PRANK app that aims to generate random love percentage todupe friends. and It is just for fun, entertainment and amusementpurpose.
Christmas Faces Editing 1.1
Beanovagi Studio™
christmas faces editing app is free. Takealook at amazing Xmas face costume photo frames. ChristmasPhotomontage is a new application that allows you to edit yourphotos,and mounting in a beautiful photo Christmas costumes anddresses.We collected the best photos of Christmas costumes for you.Thankyou with great photo editor that you can perfect photomontageswithyour favorite photos. Choose photo image gallery, or take a newonewith the smartphone's camera. Set in the best pictureChristmasphoto frame. Try all Christmas costumes and fashiondresses, photoseffects, use your creativity and fashion designskills.There are many Christmas Photo dress costumes for girls. So ifyouhave a desire to be like the wife of Santa Claus, then mountyourface in the transparent area Christmas dresses picture costume.Tryall assembly combinations daughter christmas photo, photoframeyourself, your best friend, someone you love. Frame picturesofyour family and make great memories forever. At the photo frameandchoose which best suits your face, record and show everyone.Becomea great photo collage maker, and within minutes suit yourface inthe photo Mary Christmas photo mounting frame. If you neverbeSanta or snowman, you can now. Thank you to the amazingphotoediting app, photos, selfie, pictures of your baby orchildren, orparents, will get completely new look incredible. Thereis a widevariety of New Year costume photos, dresses and funnycostumes forthe whole family. Take a picture of your baby and photoediting onthe body of Elf, little Santa, reindeer, etc. Childrenwill beamazed. Make great memory and keepsake forgrandparents.You amaze and impress your friends with your new fabulous look.Savephoto, and share on social networks. This is part of theeditingapplication very funny picture. Try all female christmasphotoframes and choose the one you like best. Also try everymanChristmas photo frames suit. Christmas is the perfect timeforthose who would like to make new photos. This fresh newphotoediting application offers the best virtual funny look. Justmakeperfect photo montages with your face photo and adjust yourphotoin the transparent area. Surprise yourself with your beautifultop.Frame the best moments of the New Year's holiday with amazingphotoframes, decorated with beautiful background andChristmasornaments, like jingle bells, Christmas tree and otherdecoration:snow effects, candles, christmas lights, etc.Characteristics:** Take a picture or select image gallery** Choose Frame Photo Montage you like most** Photo Mount your horse you like best** Edit photo, rotate, resize** Save the model and share with friends
Holidaysm Eid Feasts Messages 1.1
Beanovagi Studio™
All kind of messages for Ramadan, islamiceids,holidays, birthdays, weddings, Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al AdhaYou can select and share beautiful messages with your familyandfriends via Social networks such as Facebook, Google PlusorTwitter.The app is for sharing and exchanging islamic messages withyourfriends in special occasions like graduation and birthdays.
XRay Girl Lingerie Camera JOKE 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
XRay Girl Lingerie Scanner for girls andboysprovides you the ability to scan the girls underwears usingthecamera of your phone. in other words, you can detect and seethebody and lingerie of a woman or reveal underclothes for men toobypassing a camera over the girl's body or the person you want toseehis or her underwears.* You can also see what under clothing of a womansuch as thebraof the girls and the bikini too . In order to penetratetheclothing through the scanner technology and technicalXRAYradiology ultrasound and program to detect all kinds ofoutfils,garments and clothesthe app uses many technologies to enable you to see thewoman'sbody such as ultrasound infrared technologyUsing the camera you can see all kinds of clothingandunderclothes even if it were thick.You can see the underwear and underclothes of any person withouthisknowledge.The application is very easy to useSo that the camera turns your phone into a device ormachinedetection of X-rays or scanner revealed in order to discoverwhatare the underwear clothing for both women and men.How to use XRay Girl Lingerie Camera App:By passing the camera of your phone on any part of the bodysuchas the left hand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth andmouth,chest, rear, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee, rightfoot orleft foot, abdomen or the stomach, then the camera willlaunch ascanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect bones, skeletonor bonestructureDISCLAIMER: The application Underwears X-ray Girls Scanner isaPRANK app to prank and fool your friends and collegues, it justajoke and it does not reveal the underwear for womqn and man, butitis created for fun purposes and goals in order to dupe , foolandhave fun with your friends.
إستعمال رقم هاتف مزيف PRANK 1.0
Beanovagi Studio™
إستعمال رقم مزيف عند الإتصالهل تريد تغيير رقم هاتفك إلى رقم أجنبي و إستعمال رقم مزيف عندالإتصاللتمزح مع أصدقائك أثناء المكالمات الهاتفية ؟هل مللت من البحث عن طريقة تغيير رقم الواتساب أو الحصول على رقمأجنبي؟تطبيق تغيير رقم الهاتف عند الإتصال يمكنك من الحصول على رقمهاتفأجنبي من دولة أخرى. و بذلك تستطيع إخفاء رقم هاتفك أثناءالمكالمة.بحيث يمكنك هذا البرنامج من تحويل رقم هاتفك إلى رقم مزيف منأيدولة تريد و تتمكن من التسلية مع أصقائك عبر الواتس اب او السكايباوالفايسبوك ...إلخ ، تطبيق جد رائع سيمكنك من المزاح و اللعبوالإستمتاع مع أصدقائك و أفراد عائلتك.مزايا برنامج تغيير رقم هاتفك :- يمكنك من إستخدام أرقام دول عربية و أجنبية- تغيير رقم هاتفك إلى رقم أمريكي أو إماراتي- الحصول على رقم هاتف مستعار أو إستعمال رقم مزيف عند الإتصال- يعمل بدون انترنت- واجهة رائعة و سهلة الإستخداميمكنك من التواصل من مجموعة من مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي دونالكشفعن الرقم المزيفيتيح لك ايضا إمكانية إرسال صور و فيديوهات في الواتس آب او الفايسبوكبرقم وهميملاحظة : التطبيق ليس حقيقي فهو فقط خدعة و مزحة Prank للمرحمعأصدقائك و توهمهم بأنك تجري إتصال من دولة أجنبية .لا تنس مشاركة و تقييم التطبيق إن أعجبك . شكراNo. use fakeWhencallingDo you want to change your phone number to the number and useaforeign number at a bogus call for joking with friends duringthephone calls?Tired of searching for a way to change the number Alwatsab or getnoalien?An application to change the phone number when you call you cangeta foreign phone number from another country. And may thus hideyourphone number during a call.So that you can program to turn your phone number to afakenumber from any country you want and be able to entertainmentwithOsqaik across Alwats August or Skype or Facebook ... etc.,verywonderful application will allow you to joke and play andenjoywith your friends and your family members.Advantages of the program to change your phone number:- You can use from Arab and foreign countries numbers- Change your phone number to the US number or Emirati- Get pseudonym phone number or use a fake number Whencalling- Works without Internet- A wonderful interface and easy to useYou can communicate from a range of social networkingsiteswithout disclosing the figure fakeAlso lets you send pictures and videos in Alwats August ortheFacebook number placeboNote: The application is no real trick is just a joke and Prankfunwith your friends and Tohmanm you place a call from aforeigncountry.Do not forget to share and evaluate the application if youlike.Thank you